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What is the fourth cholesterol indicator “non-HDL cholesterol”?


In addition to LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, and triglyceride, “non-HDL cholesterol” may be measured as lipid-related material in blood tests during specific health checkups. Have
you noticed?
In fact, it has been added to the diagnostic criteria for dyslipidemia.
What does this “non-HDL cholesterol” mean?

What is non-HDL cholesterol?

“Non-HDL cholesterol” is the total cholesterol minus HDL cholesterol, which is called “good” cholesterol.
It’s generally said that there are good and bad cholesterol.
The “bad” cholesterol is LDL cholesterol, but in fact, there are other things beside LDL cholesterol that have a negative impact on the body. By checking the value obtained by
subtracting good cholesterol from all cholesterol, it is possible to ascertain the amount of bad cholesterol, including cholesterol other than LDL cholesterol, so an index called non-HDL cholesterol was added.

What is cholesterol, anyway?

It’s generally said that one’s “cholesterol has increased” or “cholesterol level has risen,” as if cholesterol itself is a bad thing, but that’s not the case.
Cholesterol is also an important component for the body. It’s a material for cell membranes, hormones, bile acids, etc.
Approximately 80% of the cholesterol needed by the body is produced in the liver. Your body makes much more cholesterol than you eat.

What are good and bad cholesterol?

Cholesterol produced in the liver is carried on particles called LDL (lipoproteins) and carried
throughout the body in the bloodstream. Cholesterol is necessary for cells throughout the body, but if it is carried in excess of what is needed, it becomes surplus. Excess LDL cholesterol then deposits on the walls of the blood vessels and causes arteriosclerosis.
HDL is what collects excess LDL cholesterol.
Therefore, LDL cholesterol is called bad cholesterol, and the higher it is, the worse it is. HDL cholesterol, which recovers excess cholesterol, is good, and when it’s low, it’s a problem.

What is neutral fat?

Neutral fats are a secondary energy source used when the primary energy source, glucose (glycogen), is insufficient. A certain amount is necessary, but any excess is stored as visceral fat or subcutaneous fat.
Additionally, when triglycerides increase, bad LDL cholesterol increases and good HDL cholesterol tends to decrease. Therefore, the higher the triglyceride value, the worse it is.

Diagnostic criteria for dyslipidemia

It is important to restrict the bad LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, and non-HDL cholesterol to a low level, and the good HDL cholesterol to a certain degree; the state where this balance is
disrupted is called “dyslipidemia.” Specifically, if any of the following apply, you will be diagnosed with “dyslipidemia.”
●LDL cholesterol: 140mg/dL or more
●Neutral fat: 150 mg/dL or more when fasting, 175 mg/dL or more when non-fasting
●Non-HDL cholesterol (total cholesterol – HDL cholesterol): 170 mg/dL or more
●HDL cholesterol less than 40mg/dL
However, just because you meet this criteria does not mean that you need immediate medical treatment.
The first thing to do is to review your lifestyle habits, such as exercising such as walking, and refraining from overeating and eating fatty and sweet foods.

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