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Moisturizer “Hildoid” – regulation was avoided


Have you heard of the medical moisturizer called “Hildoid (heparin analog)”?
It is a moisturizing agent prescribed for therapeutic purposes, such as dry skin due to atopic dermatitis.
Because it is an ointment for medical treatment, of course insurance will cover it.
However, a problem has arisen since its use for beauty purposes is increasing.
“Should it be excluded from coverage by public health insurance?”
“Should we limit the prescription amount?”
A debate about the subject arose.

In conclusion, the adoption of such regulation was rejected.

So why have these discussions arisen about “Hildoid”?
The cause was a report released by the Health Insurance Society Federation (Kenporen).

* Reference * “Research on research analysis on medical receipt which contribute to policy planning III”
2017 September Health Insurance Society Federation

In this report, the following items were pointed out.
“Over the past several years, for beauty purposes, there may be an increase in the number of patients receiving single agent prescriptions for heparin analogs under the classification of ‘dry skin disorder’ receptor disease.”
“There is a high possibility of women who are interested in beauty to visit a dermatology department where ‘Hildoid’ is prescribed for complaints such as ‘dry skin (sebum deficiency) ‘ ” “In fashion magazines and beauty magazines, ‘Hildoid’ has been popularized as a beauty treatment for about the past 10 years.”

Because the health insurance association is formed of health insurance unions, it have kept a large number of receipts (statements that medical institutions charge insurers such as health insurance union). Analyzing that receipt, you can see what drugs are used for what disease to date.

Therefore, as a result of analyzing the receipt to date, the health insurance society points out the following things as well.

  • For “Single agent prescription of heparin analogue for patients with only dry skin disease,” the pharmaceutical fee is over 1 billion yen (for 2 years)
  • The prescription amount of only heparin analogues is about 1 billion yen for men and about 1.5 billion yen for women
  • When comparing the increase in the number of receipts for heparin-type single agent prescriptions between October 2014 – September 2015 and October 2015 – September 2016 (ages 25 to 54), it is 5 times higher for women than for men


Discussions were held, but of course, despite these arguments, there are many patients who use Hildodo for therapeutic purposes.
Patient organizations for breast cancer and ovarian cancer, the Japanese Dermatologist Association of Japan, etc. had submitted a request to oppose prescription restrictions, saying, “There is a big disadvantage to patients needing treatment with humectant.”
And, recently, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare has decided to declare absolutely that use other than for therapeutic purposes is not covered by insurance, and to not regulate constraints such as prescription amount restrictions.

Prevention and beauty are also very important, but insurance is ineffective for these medical treatments to begin with.
Funding for medical expenses is limited.
Accordingly, there is also a need to protect the insurance system so that medical treatment is available for people who need treatment.
I hope that this discussion was a good opportunity to think about this subject again.

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